Summerdaze Festival Contract Awarded

Thursday 2 June 2011, 4:32PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Wanaka event management company EveNZ has retained the contract to manage the Summerdaze Festival for another three years.

Queenstown Lakes District Council arts and events facilitator Jan Maxwell said the Wanaka-based company had proved to be a good fit with the festival.

“We’re very excited to be working with EveNZ again. They’ve done a brilliant job of organising the festival over the last three years and we’re looking forward to seeing what they come up with for next year’s event.”

The contract is for a fixed term beginning 1 July, 2011 and involving 20 weeks work per year. The Summerdaze Festival includes New Year’s Eve celebrations in both Queenstown and Wanaka and the programme, which runs from New Year’s Eve to 31 January, also umbrellas existing community events as well as those put on especially for the festival.

“Planning for the next festival will start soon,” said Mrs Maxwell. “Summerdaze keeps going from strength to strength and the continuity offered by the reappointment of EveNZ as event manager will help us to maintain that growth.”

Director of EveNZ, Victoria Murray-Orr said the company was thrilled to be back at the helm.

“We’re keen to continue developing Summerdaze and to continue working with the community,” she said. “We have lots of ideas for new events and we’re looking forward to working on a festival that really embraces summer in the region.”