Shotover Canyon Swing fundraises for Christchurch school

Tuesday 21 June 2011, 8:40AM

By Southern Public Relations


Shotover Canyon Swing jump
Shotover Canyon Swing jump Credit: Shotover Canyon Swing


Mt Pleasant Primary School in the quake-stricken hill suburbs of Christchurch is one of the few constants among its devastated residential community where many streets and homes have been destroyed or seriously damaged.

The school is now set to benefit from more than ten thousand dollars raised by tourists in Queenstown as they’ve experienced the world’s highest cliff jump, Shotover Canyon Swing.

In a touching story, two former pupils Sophie (11) and Livvie Thompson (9) now of Queenstown, became the inspiration behind this year’s Shotover Canyon Swing annual fundraiser.

Their father Steve Thompson, Marketing Manager of Shotover Canyon Swing, said both girls remained closely connected to their old school and many of its pupils since relocating to Queenstown eighteen months ago.

He said it became apparent to him that help was needed at the school after he, his wife and daughters witnessed first-hand the shocking scenes in what used to be their old neighborhood.

“The Mount Pleasant area is one of the worst affected areas in Christchurch and the destruction is hard to comprehend unless you’ve seen it yourself. The school suffered the same force of the earthquake that surrounding streets did and it was lucky that the kids were outside for playtime at the time,” he said.

Mr Thompson said the positioning of Mt Pleasant Primary, overlooking the city, meant the children watched plumes of smoke and dust rise from their city.

“They knew that buildings had collapsed and people were killed, many had parents working in the city – it was very frightening for them as they waited for their parents to show up. Then, many returned home to find their homes had been destroyed or badly damaged so Mt Pleasant Primary stepped in to establish a tent city for 300 people for two weeks on its field.

“The school, for most is the only consistent thing they have right now and it plays a crucial role in helping a return to normality and feeling safe and secure.

“Many of the girls’ good friends are still at that school and they need the support these funds can provide. It’s wonderful for Shotover Canyon Swing and its guests to make a real difference and help out.”

Mr Thompson thanked the support of Shotover Canyon Swing’s customers, local agents, tour operators and staff.

The cheque for $10 594 raised will be presented to Mt Pleasant Primary Head Master Scott Thelning, who said learning about the fundraiser was “the best news he’d heard in a while.”

“We’ve received an unbelievable amount of support from many people and organizations but for Shotover Canyon Swing’s small team and its customers to go to such great efforts and raise ten thousand dollars is very humbling,” he said.

Mr Thelning said staff would be liaising with the children to determine what the money would be spent on.

“This money will go towards giving something to the kids that’s in keeping with Shotover Canyon Swing’s ‘fun factor’ philosophy, like an outdoors play centre or new toys,” he said.

Each year, for one moth Shotover Canyon Swing raises funds for a charity of its choice where the money can really make a difference. Those who experience a Swing are offered another swing for a minimum donation, waiving the usual $39 extra jump charge.

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