Tiki Taane Releases His Latest Track "Freedom to Sing"

Monday 4 July 2011, 5:19PM

By Isaac Promotions


Tiki Taane
Tiki Taane Credit: Isaac Promotions

Popular number one NZ artist Tiki Taane is giving away his latest single "Freedom To Sing (Live)" for free and exclusively from his own website

The new track is inspired by a controversial event at one of Tiki's R18 concerts at the Illuminati Super Club in Tauranga this year which saw him being arrested by local police. Early on in the April concert, Tiki sang lines from an "anti-police" song by political American rap group NWA and was arrested after his gig when an officer claimed he was attempting to "incite a riot" whilst singing the lyrics.

"Freedom To Sing (Live)" is the first recording to be released of a 60 minute free concert Tiki held in May when he returned to Illuminati Club after the arrest. Though "Freedom To Sing (Live)" has been touted by some media as "tongue in cheek" and "a protest song", Tiki maintains it is a positive track and an artistic expression of his experience of the whole incident which he acknowledges has been "unfortunate".

His first ever offence, Tiki (34) is now due in court on July the 5th, when he and his legal team will be given the actual charges before proceeding to a final hearing.

"Mad love to my whanau, and all my fans for your incredible support, it’s so amazing to read all your positive emails & Facebook comments. I will need your support more than ever, so play it loud & proud, for this is our Freedom To Sing." -Tiki

Download the FREE single exclusively from

Check out the brand new video for "Freedom To Sing LIVE" here -