Gardening with the benefit of hindsight

Monday 8 August 2011, 4:21PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



It’s been two years since a model vegetable plot was established at Hollard Gardens, Kaponga – and the lessons learnt will be the subject of a free workshop on Sunday (14 August).

The workshop, at Bernie’s Home Garden from 2pm to 4pm, is aimed at those wanting to establish their own home garden.

“Bernie’s Home Garden was itself born of a series of public workshops, and over the past two years we’ve used it to showcase different gardening methods and techniques,” says the Taranaki Regional Council’s Regional Gardens Manager, Greg Rine.

“The workshop on Sunday will look at the lessons, the successes, and cover some rules of thumb for designing your own home garden – things like shelter, aspect and so on.”

He says workshop participants can bring photos or plans for their garden, so ideas can be shared. They can also bring any spare seed for the traditional Hollards swap stall.

Sunday’s workshop is part of a year-round series of free events at Hollard Gardens, Tupare and Pukeiti, the three Regional Gardens owned and managed by the Taranaki Regional Council on behalf of the people of the region.

All three properties are open daily and entry is free.