Stock up, stay warm, check neighbours

Tuesday 16 August 2011, 2:54PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



With more snow forecast for Taranaki in the next couple of days, Civil Defence is urging people to ensure they’re stocked up on essential items.

“People should think about what they would do if the power goes off and they can’t leave their homes,” says Des Paulsen of Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management.

“Essentials for home preparedness include food and water stocks, essential medicines, torches and alternative means of heating food. People who rely on log burners or open fires for home heating should also check that they have enough stocks of fuel to keep them and their families warm.”

Des Paulsen also urges people to check on their neighbours, particularly if they ‘re frail or elderly, to make sure they are coping with the winter weather.

And she says people should try to avoid using roads unnecessarily, especially during and after fresh snowfalls.

“Stay tuned to the radio for information about what’s happening in Taranaki and whether there are any highway closures in the region.”