Maintaining Farm Productivity and Profits in an Uncertain Climate

Monday 5 September 2011, 3:17PM

By Central Otago District Council



Central Otago will play host to three prominent climate commentators and scientists at a seminar to be held in Omakau on Friday 23 September.

The seminar is supported by Business Development at Central Otago District Council and is free to attend for anyone interested in agriculture, climate and New Zealand’s future.

Climate scientist Dr. Jim Salinger, along with Professor Caroline Saunders from Lincoln University (well-known for her work on the carbon foot-printing of agricultural exports) and business commentator Rod Oram are presenting a seminar to explain:

  • the nature of climate change;
  • the impact on New Zealanders’ health, properties, infrastructure, environment and rural industries, with special reference to Central Otago;
  • the latest information on climate change science; and
  • how it affects rural industries in regional New Zealand

This is an opportunity to hear first hand the potential impact on our District and what steps should be taken to manage the impact of climate change. Primary industry is the largest sector of the economy and managing the challenges of our climate is critically important for the long-term wellbeing of Central Otago’s rural communities.

Dr. Jim Salinger is an Auckland-based climate change scientist. Formerly with NIWA he is now working at the University of Auckland. He was a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 - "For their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change".

Professor Caroline Saunders of Lincoln University has 20 years research expertise in the UK and New Zealand. She has over 100 publications specialising on sustainable development, especially in agriculture. Her current research includes evaluating trade and the environment including assessment of international markets policies and their impact on agricultural development.

Rod Oram is an award winning financial and business journalist and Radio New Zealand National / Sunday Star Times commentator. He has commentated widely on the Emissions Trading Scheme, climate change and the various pressures being placed on trade for now, and during the 21st century.

The seminar is being held at the Matakanui Rugby Clubrooms, Omakau, at 3pm on Friday 23 September. There is no cost to attend, but we would appreciate people registering their interest with Business Development Manager, Jonno Gadd.