ALCP Launch Election Campaign September 11th

Thursday 8 September 2011, 5:09PM

By Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party


If elected, ALCP will establish medical, industrial and recreational cannabis industries worth billions to New Zealand business the party's leader says.

The ALCP is holding its election year AGM and Conference this coming weekend.

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party leader Michael Appleby will launch it's 2011 general election campaign on September 11 at party headquarters, (563 Worcester St Christchurch).

The conference will be linked up, via web conferencing, with other ALCP branches including the Auckland headquarters of the party – The Daktory.

A Press conference will be held at Christchurch HQ at 4.20pm on Sunday September 11. It will be broadcast live on the internet (at: )and will be available for streaming soon after on

The media and public are invited to attend.

Mr Appleby said this was the first time the ALCP had a realistic chance or reaching 5% of the party vote.

“We are already polling above Mana and we have a lot of tricks up our sleeve to get votes,” he said.

“Social Media has given the ALCP a big advantage over the other parties who are slower to adapt to the new technology.”

Mr Appleby will be outlining the ALCP's response to the recent Law Commission Inquiry into the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.