ALCP Launch 2011 Election Campaign

Monday 12 September 2011, 7:48AM

By Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party



The lastest technology was used at the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party's 15th AGM and Conference held in Christchurch this weekend.

The party linked up a video conference with seven branches throughout New Zealand.

The conference re-elected Wellington Barrister Michael Appleby as leader.

He is now the longest-serving leader in New Zealand politics.

Mr Appleby said the Law Commission's recently-released review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 was welcome.

He said four years of close analysis of the law by the Commission has confirmed what the party has been saying all along.

"The use or abuse of any drug belongs within the purview of the Health Department rather than the Justice Department," he said.

"The party's campaign this election will highlight the Law Commission recommendations that promote harm minimisation."

The top six list candidates will include law reform activist Dakta Green who is currently a political prisoner, for starting New Zealand's first cannabis club in Auckland.

Mr Appleby launched the campaign at 4.20pm on September 11.

ALCP will campaign for 5% of the Party Vote.