Digital library service planned

Wednesday 14 September 2011, 4:40PM

By Southland District Council



Southland District Libraries are joining the digital revolution and will be offering a digital library service with e-books and e-audio available for download.

The libraries throughout the District are part of a South Island consortia which will purchase digital content from United States company Overdrive, libraries manager Lynda Hodge said.

Library members with a home computer, laptop, smart phone, e-reader or similar device will be able to download for free. This will be a 24/7 service with residents being able to choose when they use the service.

It will mean people travelling with a laptop, or other device, will be able to download books through the Southland District Council/Library website. Anyone who is a current Library member only needs to go to the website, click on the library page, authenticate their library membership with their library card number, click on a link to the group's new website and then choose what material to download.

"It is difficult to know what uptake there will be of the service as yet, but it is well established overseas and in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch already," Mrs Hodge said.

There will be a fairly limited pool of material to begin with, but this will grow particularly as consideration is being given to joining a second provider who is able to supply New Zealand content.

Southland's commitment to the group is $1400 per year, half of which would go to Overdrive and half to the collective pool for purchasing content. The total spending pool to begin with will be $18,000 which would be split between e-books and e-audio.

The service is likely to be ready by mid-end October.