Home Safety Flipchart launched for elderly

Friday 23 September 2011, 12:23PM

By Napier City Council



Napier service providers working together as part of the World Health Organisation’s Safer Communities programme, have developed a home safety flipchart for the elderly.

The flipchart will be launched in readiness for International Day of the Older Person by the Minister for Senior Citizens, Hon Craig Foss, at the NZ Fire Service Regional Office, in Napier, on Monday 26 September.

Funded by ACC and the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, the flipchart was developed in response to high incidences of older people having accidents in the home. It also addresses other safety issues such as water safety, civil defence, fire safety, crime prevention and medicines.

The flipchart is available free from a number of service providers including superannuation centres, ACC, Age Concern, Napier City Council, and Neighbourhood Support.