The Annual Recycling Day

Tuesday 18 October 2011, 1:55PM

By Napier City Council


The Annual Recycling Day! poster
The Annual Recycling Day! poster Credit: Napier City Council


Hey Napier...Its back!

The Annual recycling day Saturday 5th November 2011 8am to 2pm at four locations:

  • Anderson Park - York Avenue Side
  • Chambers Street - Opposite Rewi Alley Scout Hall
  • Battery Road Reserve - By retirement Village
  • Petane Reserve


Drop off FREE of charge! And pick up anything useful for a small donation. No goods to be dropped off prior to the event. Litter infringement notices will be served.

Acceptable Goods:

  • Furniture, whiteware, toys, tools, clothing, books, reusable timber, paper/cardboard, clean metals, plant pots & punnets, household appliances in working order, framed windows, bottles & jars.

Un-acceptable Goods:

  • Fencing wire, wirenetting, sheet & broken glass, car parts, tyres, commercial waste, organic waste, domestic refuse, garden waste, concrete waste, hazardous waste*

*Hazardous waste can be taken to the Hazmobile Collection day - Sunday 13th November.

Proceeds from the day go to local charitable organisations & community groups.