Election Conference

Tuesday 25 October 2011, 12:30PM

By Business NZ



<p>Spokespeople from all major political parties will outline their policies for business and the economy at the Deloitte-BusinessNZ Election Conference in Wellington on 31 October.<br /> <br /> MPs taking part include PM John Key, Phil Goff, Bill English, David Cunliffe, David Parker, Russel Norman and others.<br /> <br /> Party Leaders and Party Spokespeople will address questions important to business, including:</p> <ul> <li> <em>What are your plans for returning New Zealand to strong economic growth?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>Should New Zealand mine its coal and mineral resources?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>How will you improve the Resource Management Act?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>What will you do about the competitive disadvantage to New Zealand businesses from emissions trading?<br /> </em></li> </ul> <p><br /> <strong>Deloitte-BusinessNZ Election Conference<br /> 9.00am &ndash; 4.30pm Monday 31 October<br /> Amora Hotel (previously the Duxton) 170 Wakefield St, Wellington</strong><br /> <br /> <strong>Media</strong>: &nbsp;Please <strong>RSVP</strong> to to ensure media facilities</p> <p><strong>Deloitte-Business NZ election conference</strong></p> <p>9.00 am &ndash; 4.30 pm Mon 31 Oct 2011, Amora Hotel, 170 Wakefield St, Wellington</p> <p>8.30 &ndash; 9.00 am Registrations, coffee</p> <p>9.00 &ndash; 9.05 am Business NZ President Philip Broughton welcomes delegates</p> <p>9.05 &ndash; 9.10 am MC Sean Plunket opening remarks &amp; introduces PM</p> <p>9.10 &ndash; 9.35 am Hon John Key &ndash; Leader&rsquo;s address</p> <p>9.35 &ndash; 9.55 am Hon Phil Goff &ndash; Leader&rsquo;s address</p> <p>9.55 &ndash; 10.10 am Hon Dr Pita Sharples &ndash; Leader&rsquo;s address</p> <p>10.10 &ndash; 10.25 am Russel Norman &ndash; Leader&rsquo;s address</p> <p>10.30 &ndash; 11.00 am Morning tea</p> <p>11.00 &ndash; 11.15 am Dr Don Brash &ndash; Leader&rsquo;s address</p> <p>11.15 &ndash; 11.30 am Hon Peter Dunne &ndash; Leader&rsquo;s address</p> <p>11.30 &ndash; 11.45 am Rt Hon Winston Peters &ndash; Leader&rsquo;s address</p> <p>11.45 &ndash; 12.00 pm Election survey - Deloitte&rsquo;s Murray Jack or Thomas Pippos unveils the results of the Deloitte-BusinessNZ Election Survey, answering the questions:</p> <ul> <li> <em>Which parties&rsquo; policies are the most business-friendly?</em></li> <li> <em>Which party policies best fit with the desired policies of over 1,000 NZ businesses?</em></li> </ul> <p>12.00 &ndash; 1.00 pm Lunch</p> <p>1.00 &ndash; 1.30pm Phil O&rsquo;Reilly on business and politics</p> <p><strong>1.30 &ndash; 2.15 pm</strong> <strong>The Economy</strong><br /> Bill English (N), David Cunliffe (L), Russel Norman (G), Don Brash (A)<br /> 7 minutes each to answer the following questions &amp; outline your party&rsquo;s general approach to the economy, followed by questions &amp; comments from the floor</p> <ul> <li> <em>Will you lower the company tax rate and/or personal tax rates? If so, by how much and when?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>What changes, if any, will you make to improve the quality of regulation in NZ?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>Will you change the age of eligibility for NZ Superannuation, to what age, and when?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>Will you change the Working for Families policy that results in 80% of working families becoming beneficiaries?<br /> </em></li> </ul> <p><strong>2.15 pm &ndash; 3.00 pm The environment, resources &amp; emissions trading</strong><br /> Nick Smith (N), David Parker (L), Kennedy Graham or David Clendon (G), John Boscawen (A)<br /> 7 minutes each to answer the following questions &amp; outline your party&rsquo;s general approach to the environment, climate change &amp; emissions trading, followed by questions &amp; comments from the floor</p> <ul> <li> Should NZ mine its coal and mineral resources?</li> <li> What will your party do to balance economic and environmental issues involved in sectors like dairying and aquaculture?</li> <li> Should agriculture be included in NZ&rsquo;s emissions trading scheme?</li> <li> Do you support further protections for businesses whose competitiveness is threatened by emissions trading policies?</li> <li> Should iwi own parts of the foreshore or all New Zealanders?</li> <li> What changes if any will you make to the RMA and why?</li> </ul> <p>3.00 &ndash; 3.20 pm Afternoon tea</p> <p><strong>3.20 &ndash; 4.00 pm The Workplace</strong><br /> Kate Wilkinson (N), Darien Fenton (L), Catherine Delahunty (G)<br /> 7 minutes each to answer the following questions &amp; outline your party&rsquo;s general approach to workplace issues, followed by questions &amp; comments from the floor</p> <ul> <li> <em>Should the private sector be allowed to compete with ACC?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>What changes if any will you make to KiwiSaver and why?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>Will you set up a pay equity bureaucracy?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>Will you reintroduce youth rates?<br /> </em></li> <li> <em>Will you make any changes to the 90-day trial period policy?<br /> </em></li> </ul> <p>4.00 pm BusinessNZ CEO Phil O&rsquo;Reilly closing comments</p> <p>Social hour with cocktails follows</p>