Computer Lounge - PriceSpy Store of the Year 2011

Thursday 1 December 2011, 3:30AM


680 views, Store of the Year 2011, Store of the Year 2011 Credit: Marcus Lindberg

According to PriceSpy's members, the 'Store of the Year 2011' is:

Computer Lounge

"While others talk about great service, Computer Lounge deliver just that. According
to user reviews they ship quickly as well. Combine this with their own Youtube channel,
and it it is easy to see why they've become one of the most popular stores among
PC builders."

PriceSpy congratulates the team behind Computer Lounge, and thanks all our voting
members for the participation.


All stores listed on PriceSpy were up for nomination by the PriceSpy members between
the 1st and the 15th of November. Four of New Zealand's top stores were nominated
to the final round, Alphacity, Computer Lounge, Smifu and Playtech, and the 'polling
station' was open between the 15th and the 30th of November.

About PriceSpy:
PriceSpy is a comparison service visited by thousands of NZ consumers every week. Our philosophy is to provide a complete and independent price and product comparison service to help consumers find the best online shopping deal, which is the right product from the right retailer at the right price. We do this by providing powerful search and filtering tools, comprehensive product information as well as valuable store and product ratings.