Online video explains Auckland's waste challenge

Thursday 1 December 2011, 2:18PM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Council’s draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan asks Aucklanders to take a closer look at what they throw out in the rubbish, with the focus on putting resources to better use.

To get Aucklanders thinking about the issue an online video outlines the council’s plan in a simple way, available on Facebook or the council’s website.

“Let’s get our rubbish sorted” is the catch-phrase of the campaign that asks Aucklanders to share ideas and opinions on the draft waste plan.

Submissions can be made on-line at until 31 January 2012. The draft plan summary (available in different languages) and submission form can also be downloaded or picked up from a local board office, council service centre or library, and submissions returned by freepost.

The campaign features a rubbish collector character, a cast of Aucklanders and actress Robyn Malcolm.

Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse said: “The aim of the campaign is to get Aucklanders involved – we’re letting people know that Auckland needs to get its rubbish sorted and that we are collecting opinions on the draft plan. We want to get people’s attention and get them thinking about what they can do about waste.

“It’s great to see so many people already interested in the waste plan and passionate about how we deal with rubbish and recycling. We want to see more of that – share your ideas with us.”

Councillor Wayne Walker, Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Forum said: “The proposed plan tackles Auckland's waste comprehensively. It gives Aucklanders a wide-ranging suite of services that cover waste and recycling as well as a new organics and green waste pickup and a network of local recycling centres.

“The waste plan affects all Aucklanders and the city we love. We’re reaching out to communities through local newspapers and bus advertising, and we’re connecting online to the key information and submission forms. We’re also making all the information available locally, through council service centres, libraries and local board offices.”

Submissions on the plan close on 31 January 2012. The public and businesses can also attend a hearing to speak in support of their submission. Auckland Council will consider all submissions and hearings before the final Waste Management and Minimisation Plan is adopted in May/June 2012.