Wrap up Christmas in Hastings

Monday 5 December 2011, 2:16PM

By Hastings District Council



Wrapping your Christmas shopping will never be easier, more convenient or as environmentally friendly, than in Hastings CBD over the next few weeks.

The Hastings City Business Association has joined with the Hastings District Council’s Sus’d team to provide free wrapping of Christmas presents with recyclable material on the next three Saturdays leading up to Christmas day.

Gift wrapping stations will be set up around Hastings CBD between 10am and 2pm on Saturday December 10th,17th and 24th. Free car parking will also be available on the 17th in the carpark behind the Westpac and BNZ banks, to further encourage shoppers into the CBD.

Councillor Sandra Hazlehurst says “Christmas is a very exciting time of the year, particularly for the children and the gift wrapping stations are another fun way of providing Christmas cheer for all the family. Recycled paper and natural raffia will be used to wrap presents.”

Sandra Hazlehurst says “Sus’d is also urging everyone to think of the environment this Christmas by recycling wrapping paper and packaging once the presents have been unwrapped.”

Hastings City Business Association General Manager Jane Janes says “The free gift wrapping is just one part of the fun which will happen this Christmas. Our favourite mascot Archie, will be walking around the CBD spreading Christmas cheer and Santa will also make an appearance on Saturday the 17th, bringing Christmas wishes to the kids. So keep an eye out for them both.”

“The retailers love the wonderful feeling of Christmas and are encouraging all shoppers to make the most of this opportunity to ‘Wrap up Christmas in Hastings’,” Jane Janes says.

Buskers and musicians are being invited to entertain in the CBD on these special days. To find out more about providing entertainment, contact Hastings City Business Association on 8769093.

Sus’d is a Hastings District Council sustainability programme which aims to save you money while saving our environment. More information on Sus’d is available at