Runanga/Dunollie community's pool fundraising marathon ends with a splash

Friday 9 December 2011, 4:44PM

By Solid Energy New Zealand Ltd



10 December 2011

The Rūnanga/Dunollie community will tomorrow (10 December) celebrate the result of a 18-year fundraising marathon when their upgraded swimming pool is officially opened. Chris Frogley, Chair of the Runanga Community Swimming Pool Trust, and Grey District Mayor Tony Kokshoorn will jointly unveil a plaque at the opening ceremony at 10am.

The original outdoor pool was built by the community about 75 years ago and is owned by the district council. It has been an important part of the town throughout its life – a gathering place in summer and a valuable facility for the neighbouring Runanga Primary School. It has operated from December to March or April each summer, attracting around 2000 admissions a season, mostly children and teenagers.

The local fundraising effort to refurbish and cover the pool began in 1993. Over the years, the Trust’s bank account grew to $200,000 but as the fund grew so did the cost and scope of the work needed to bring the pool up to standard. The effort got a boost in 2008 when Spring Creek Mining Company, owner of Spring Creek Mine which has its surface facilities on the town’s eastern boundary, agreed to put $350,000 into the project. That decision triggered another pledge from the Grey District Council to underwrite the project and guarantee the pool’s ongoing operation and maintenance. Solid Energy, which operates Spring Creek Mine, then joined in, providing the last funds needed to complete the work.

A large number of individuals and businesses in the area have assisted with site and building work or contributed time and materials. Barry Bragg, Solid Energy’s Chief Operating Officer, says the community’s stamina and optimism that the job would eventually be done was a great motivation for Solid Energy and Spring Creek Mining Company.

“This is a small town and they’ve done a great job raising money over many, many years. You have to admire their persistence and we congratulate Chris Frogley, the Trust and the wider community for finally getting to this point,” Mr Bragg says. “The community meetings we hold here have always had this pool project as the top priority and that’s never wavered. The pool is at the heart of the local community and it is again fit for many more years of use. It will have a big positive impact on the life of the town, particularly the children.”

Mayor Tony Kokshoorn said he would like to place on record the community’s appreciation of the support and financial input from Spring Creek Mine and Solid Energy. “The partnership developed between Council, the Community Trust and the two mining companies was an excellent example of what can be achieved when like minds meet,” he said.

For more information about Solid Energy and Spring Creek Mine, visit