Smart water use encouraged over summer

Tuesday 13 December 2011, 6:26PM

By Waikato District Council


Water Restrictions BILLBOARD
Water Restrictions BILLBOARD Credit: Waikato District Council
Water Restrictions Magnet
Water Restrictions Magnet Credit: Waikato District Council


Billboards are being placed in key locations throughout the Waikato district as Waikato District Council gets ready to kick off its smart water use campaign.

Waikato District Council runs the smart water use campaign annually over summer to encourage residents to use water in a sustainable manner and to ensure consistent supply throughout the summer and high demand periods.

Waikato District Council water and facilities general manager Richard Bax, said to help manage the district’s water use, alert levels around water consumption will be introduced over summer.

“We have used the water alert level system for the past two years and it has proved very successful. Water alert levels range from one which is limited restrictions, to four which is a total ban on non essential use.

“Residents are informed about the changes in alerts levels through local newspapers, radio stations, signage and on the council’s website,” he said.

The water alert level system is a regional collaborative effort between Waikato District Council, Hamilton City Council, and Waipa District Council. The initiative aims to encourage residents to regard water as a limited and precious resource and promote proactive water conservation.

More information about water alert levels and the smart water use campaign can be found on the council’s website