Watch Out For The New Cycle Lanes In Town

Thursday 15 December 2011, 4:24PM

By Marlborough District Council



Drivers are asked to take particular notice that people are using the new cycle lanes in Seymour Street and Maxwell Road.

The cycle lanes are marked clearly in green paint and have been designed with the high density traffic use of these streets in mind.

CBD Councillor Terry Sloan said the lanes should help make it much safer for cyclists to cross town.

Other towns and cities have designated cycle lanes and they work very well, he said, but all drivers need to remember the rules.

  • Drivers should not be using the cycle lane.
  • Drivers should check for cyclists, remembering their blind spot, when making a turn or before crossing a cycle lane.
  • Drivers using the parking spaces next to the cycle lanes should take particular care when opening their car doors.


Police are looking out for drivers who fail to give way to cyclists at intersections or cut them off at corners, and those who fail to indicate correctly when turning or when using a roundabout.

At the same time, cyclists will need to take particular care until Blenheim’s drivers become accustomed to the new lanes.

“It’s all about learning to share the road and that means courtesy on each side,” said Councillor Sloan.