Ports of Auckland Response to ITF Threats

Friday 20 January 2012, 12:16PM

By Ports of Auckland Limited



“We have received a letter from the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF).

The ITF’s threats from London are entirely unwarranted and unhelpful. Its letter demonstrates that it has little understanding of the current situation. For example, the ITF refers to a ‘national union agreement’ – no such thing exists in New Zealand.

The ITF’s views regarding removal of the collective agreement are wrong. We have made it very clear that we are continuing with collective bargaining whilst reviewing alternative labour models.

We have been in ‘genuine dialogue’ with our staff since March last year. Our intention all along has been to achieve the flexibility and efficiencies our customers are demanding in collaboration with MUNZ.

The commercial impact of the lost Fonterra and Maersk business has already put Auckland workers’ jobs at risk. Any attempts by the ITF or other third parties to threaten the commercial operation of the port will only impact negatively on their jobs.

We suggest the ITF reverts to its affiliate unions in New Zealand to get the correct information.”