Police and emergency services gearing up for busy Sevens weekend

Thursday 2 February 2012, 5:36PM

By New Zealand Police



Police are gearing up for a busy weekend, as the Hertz Sevens gets underway in the Capital tomorrow.

Sevens Operation Commander Inspector Simon Perry says a large number of Police staff are being deployed over the next two days, including extra staff from Eastern and Central Districts.

"Sevens fans will notice a high Police presence, not only in and around the stadium, but along Wellington's Waterfront and other parts of the central city. This is in addition to maintaining our day to day policing services."

Wellington Free Ambulance are situating a mobile field hospital on the Stadium ground floor, with teams of specialist staff on site. “Wellington becomes party central for the Sevens and with Wellington Free Ambulance staff present we can respond immediately where care is needed.“ says Rob Ives Community Care manager.

Inspector Perry warns, "Sevens fans turning up at the stadium attempting to smuggle alcohol will be caught and risk losing their ticket, not just for Friday, but for Saturday as well. Our advice is don't bother trying - especially if you're sharing your two day pass with someone else!"

Like last year, emergency services personnel will be stationed in and around the Courtenay Place fan zone on Saturday, to keep Wellington Hospital free for emergencies.

Wellington Free Ambulance (WFA) is setting up their triage and treatment centre on Tory Street. Event medics and paramedics will be patrolling the inner city to keep the city safe.

WFA Manager of Community Care and Patient Transport Robert Ives says safety first is their key concern.

“We want to ensure that the fan zone is a fun, safe place so that everyone can enjoy Wellington’s biggest party.”

Wellington Hospital Emergency Department Clinical Director Andre Cromhout says the Sevens weekend is always a big one for staff and additional doctors have been rostered on to cope with the expected influx of patients.

"Last year the Sevens weekend was the busiest weekend of the year for us and we saw an exceptionally high number of alcohol-related presentations in ED. Unfortunately we also saw a the high number of people presenting with nasty glass cuts to their feet which could have been easily avoided if sensible footwear had been worn.

"We encourage moderation. Look after yourself and your friends at all times and don't get dangerously drunk.

“If you do hurt yourself then we recommend that people with a relatively minor injury or illness see emergency services personnel stationed throughout the Courtenay Place party zone, wait and see their GP or go to the Accident and Urgent Medical Centre by the Basin Reserve," said Dr Cromhout. "If you do end up in Wellington Hospital ED people with serious illnesses and injuries will always be attended to first, so there may be a delay in seeing patients with relatively minor injuries and illnesses."

Inspector Simon Perry says Police want Sevens fans to enjoy the event and look after themselves and their mates.

Some tips for enjoying the Sevens:

- Moderate the amount of alcohol you drink. Intoxicated people get into trouble by provoking fights, or they become vulnerable as victims of crime.

- Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water, eating food as well. Water stations will be available at the stadium for the first time this year.

- Young women should stick together and not get separated from friends. If you are going to drink, stick with your group and make sure someone is looking after you.

- Keep an eye out on your friends and if they're getting the worse for wear, take them home or back to their accommodation.

- Plan your night out and how you're going to get home. If you're walking, stay with your group, or get a taxi, late night bus or train with friends.