New $1.6 million police station for Rolleston

Friday 3 February 2012, 3:48PM

By Anne Tolley



Police Minister Anne Tolley has turned the sod for a new police station at Rolleston, near Christchurch.

The total cost of the project is $1.6 million, and is set to be completed by September.

“Our police require the best tools for the job to keep communities safe,” says Mrs Tolley.

“The new Rolleston police station will incorporate modern design and technology, and is located much closer to the local community than the existing station.

“I look forward to returning to Rolleston later in the year and seeing for myself the difference it makes for staff and the community.

“And as we look to the future I want to thank Canterbury Police for their continuing hard work and dedication in difficult times.

“The respect which the public has for their efforts is well-deserved.”