Fashion takes over the BIG little City

Wednesday 7 March 2012, 3:58PM

By Fuseint


Best Man- James Lowe
Best Man- James Lowe Credit: Fuseint
Best Casual- Jan Hogg
Best Casual- Jan Hogg Credit: Fuseint
Best Woman- Julia Ford
Best Woman- Julia Ford Credit: Fuseint
Best Kid- Nicholas McCamish
Best Kid- Nicholas McCamish Credit: Fuseint


While the weatherman promised a bomb, the only thing “going off” in Auckland central on Saturday March 3rd was the shopping, fashion shows and fabulously dressed New Zealanders celebrating the inaugural ‘Fashion in the BIG little City’ event.

Heart of the City’s ‘Fashion in the BIG little City’ brought to you by Resene delivered a fabulous finale for the Auckland public to indulge in everything “fashion” following a week of ticketed catwalk shows, fashion seminars and highly anticipated designer garage sale produced by New Zealand Fashion Festival.

Alex Swney, CEO Heart of the City, says, “Fashion is a quintessential pillar of our BIG little City. Taking it to the people of Auckland and seeing them flock to the City in celebration, has proven that they agree, they want it and they will support more events surrounding it.”
With over 100 retailers on-board with major discounts and special offers, seven free fashion shows and two major competitions there was plenty of fashion and fun on offer.

The big prize up for grabs on the day was one of four $1,000 shopping sprees for being either the best dressed man, female, child or cool casual style spotted in the BIG little City on the day.

Just over 200 creative, individual and quirky people were snapped by official ‘Fashion in the BIG little City’ photographers before TV personality Colin Mathura-Jeffree, Viva’s Amanda Linnell and fashion designer Adrian Hailwood made the difficult announcement at a public end-of-day event at the Atrium on Takutai, Britomart.

The best dressed winners were best man James Lowe, best woman Julia Ford, best cool/casual Jan Hogg and best child Nicholas McCamish.

The major draw card however was a $10,000 Ultimate Fashion Weekend for two in the BIG little City. Shoppers entered simply by picking up an entry form from a participating retailer and collecting one stamp from each of the four BIG little City’s fashion precincts.

Heart of the City today drew the lucky winner, Elizabeth Hamblin, who is very excited about planning her fashion weekend in the BIG little City which includes:
· $5,000 shopping money cash prize with a personal stylist to shop with

· Two nights in a luxury suite in a 5 star boutique hotel in the centre of the fashion district

· Dinner and lunch at two of the city’s most celebrated and loved restaurants

· Hair styling and treatment at a top city salon

· An indulgent spa treatment package

· A fashion party at a cool city venue or for those out of town, travel to and from the BIG little City