61% jump in diners using online to find restaurants

Friday 9 March 2012, 4:53PM


471 views reports that the number of diners searching for restaurant and cafes online before choosing where to eat out, has again jumped dramatically since Kiwis got back to work in 2012.

319,372 different diners have used MenuMania in the past 30 days (Source: Google Analytics)

Compare this to the same 30 day period in 2011, and you'll see that 61% (121,309) more people have searched

General Manager, Karen Gibson, says that more than one in six women aged 20 to 54 now use MenuMania at least once every month. (Source: Nielsen; NZ Statistics) 

"And when a buzzy new restaurant first launches, such as "Dragonfly" in Wellington, or "Depot" by Al Brown in Auckland, I can literally  watch the number of people flooding in and out of that business listing like a mexican wave.

"It's great to see New Zealanders' passion for eating-out is alive and well.  As soon as an exciting new chef is out there doing their thing, Kiwis want to know about it."