Wellington Police investigate Opera House Lane assault early yesterday morning

Sunday 11 March 2012, 3:42PM

By New Zealand Police



Wellington Police are investigating an assault that occurred in central Wellington in the early hours of yesterday morning (Saturday 10 March 2012).

Detective Andy Compton of the Wellington CIB says at about 2.30am yesterday morning, a 21 year old female was walking through Opera House Lane, from Manners Street to Wakefield Street, when she was grabbed by a male and pulled into a corner of the alleyway.

“The young woman was pinned against the wall by the offender and had her dressed ripped before she was able to fight him off, causing him to run away.”

The male is described as European of heavy build, about 180cm tall and was wearing a dark or black hooded sweatshirt.

“We urge anyone who witnessed this incident or anything suspicious in Opera House Lane in the early hours of yesterday morning to come forward and speak with Police on (04) 381 2000 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.