Avoid travel debt and instead sign up for an awesome around the world experience

Wednesday 28 March 2012, 10:46AM

By PPR New Zealand



If you are concerned about your student debt affecting your future travel plans, why not sign up for the trip of a lifetime, and get exposed to one of the most dynamic organisations in the world at the same time.

Reckitt Benckiser is the organisation behind power brands such as Durex, Dettol, Strepsils and Clearasil, and is offering students from the University of Auckland the chance to win a trip around the world.

To enter simply send an email from your Auckland Uni e-mail account with your full name, department or faculty and mobile number to to be in with a chance. But hurry - entries close on the 30th March 2012.

As one of the world's largest companies, Reckitt Benckiser provides the ideal platform for enthusiastic brand, sales and marketing graduates to build impressive skills, and fast track their careers, and they are currently seeking the next generation of stars to join their ranks.

If you are interested in being a part of Reckitt Benckiser's Commercial Graduate Programme- a three year rotational programme that provides real responsibility from day one, in areas such as Field Sales, Sales Analysis and Brand Management with the Marketing and Sales teams- visit