Great relief for Auckland wharfies and their families

Friday 30 March 2012, 2:24PM

By Maritime Union of New Zealand



Auckland wharfies are today relieved to hear that they can return to work to get the Port up and running again for Auckland.

Following further hearings before the Employment Court this morning, Ports of Auckland has withdrawn its lockout notice and stopped its plan to dismiss its workforce and contract out the jobs.

"Ports workers are very pleased that their employment negotiations are back on track," said Maritime Union National President Garry Parsloe.

"This comes as a great relief for our members and their families, who now no longer have the threat of an indefinite lockout hanging over them."

"Our members knew they had a strong case. Ports of Auckland's decision today to lift the lockout and get back around the table indicates a significant change of approach, which is welcome."

Garry Parsloe said the wharfies wanted to acknowledge the support from their families at a stressful and difficult time, and the support from the wider public of Auckland over recent weeks.

"The Ports are one of the most important assets Aucklanders own. Their Ports have always been productive and can be more so, and we are committed to delivering for the public an effective and even more successful Ports of Auckland."

Garry Parsloe said the union has always been willing to complete bargaining for a collective agreement, and looked forward to getting talks back on as soon as possible.

Comments by the Ports CEO Tony Gibson today indicating a desire to bring back contracting out proposals at a later date, made just moments after a commitment to return to negotiate a collective agreement, were inflammatory and not helpful.

Mr Gibson's comments are in conflict with understandings reached earlier today and are a matter of grave concern, Garry Parsloe said.