Update on Our Long Term Plan

Tuesday 10 April 2012, 1:20PM

By Wellington City Council



Wellingtonians will be invited to have a say on the future of our city when consultation on our draft Long-Term Plan opens next week.

The plan sets out what we are proposing to do over the next 10 years and how much our services will cost.
City resilience is a priority and projects to strengthen Council buildings, along with tunnels, bridges and our water network, are included in the draft plan.

We also want to invest in the city's economy, ensure the vibrancy and character of the CBD and support our diverse communities.

Some initiatives that were originally considered have not been funded to keep costs affordable to ratepayers.

The Council will be looking at how much we spend on the replacement of our existing infrastructure - and will be consulting on whether we keep funding for this at current levels or reduce it.

Consultation opens on 16 April and closes on 18 May. The draft plan and submission forms will be available on our website and from Council libraries and our Service Centre on Wakefield Street.

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