Long Term Plan Consultation

Tuesday 17 April 2012, 12:18PM

By Wellington City Council



Consultation has opened on our draft Long Term Plan 2012/22.

Mayor Celia Wade-Brown says the plan focuses on investing in Wellington's future.

"We are mindful of the current economic climate and significant immediate financial pressures, such as the need to fund earthquake-strengthening work. But it is also important to invest in implementing the long-term strategic vision for the city set out in our Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital document.

"The focus of our Long Term Plan is on investing in the city's economy, ensuring the vibrancy and character of the city centre, in particular, and supporting our diverse communities," Mayor Wade-Brown says.

Completing earthquake-strengthening work on buildings, roads and the water network, as well as providing financial assistance for the owners of leaky homes, are a major focus for the next decade.

"We are proposing a frugal approach - balancing investment in the city against the need to keep rate rises as affordable as possible," she says.

The plan includes a proposed average rates increase of 4.1 percent (after growth in the rate payer base). For residential ratepayers the average increase is 3.7 percent. Consultation will also be undertaken on an option to reduce asset renewal spending over the next 10 years, which could reduce the rates rise.
Consultation closes on 18 May.

Mayor Wade-Brown encourages all Wellingtonians to take part in the consultation. "The Long Term Plan consultation is the most important opportunity Wellingtonians will have in the next three years to have their say on our city's future. We're looking forward to receiving ideas from the public."

What the Long Term Plan includes:

  • City Council budgets for the next 10 years
  • proposed projects, information about service standards and performance measures
  • initiatives we considered but didn't fund due to cost
  • a draft Financial Strategy with proposed rates targets (targets for future rate increases), and rates and debt limits for the future
  • information about who pays for our activities
  • changes to fees and charges.


How it works:

We use the draft Long Term Plan to consult on what we should be doing in the future, on how much we should spend and on who pays for our services. You can make a submission to tell us what you think of the proposals in the plan.

This year we will be introducing a new hearing option to provide people with a choice between presenting their submission to a hearing committee of councillors or presenting it in a group discussion with other submitters and a councillor. Once submissions are received and hearings have been completed, the Council considers all feedback from the community and adopts the final plan for the next 10 years.

How to make a submission:

The draft long-term plan, a summary of the plan and submission forms are available from the following locations:

  • on the Council website
  • from the City Service Centre, 101 Wakefield Street and Council libraries
  • by phoning             (04) 499 4444       to request a copy.


To make an online submission, see:

Public Input - Draft Long Term Plan 2012/22

Wellington City Council Facebook website

You can also email submissions to

You can also talk to a councillor to find out more.

Submissions close 5.00pm, Friday 18 May.