Go Young Farmer!

Monday 30 April 2012, 12:44PM

By NZ Young Farmers


The East Coast crew get behind their Contestant at the 2011 Grand Final in Masterton last year.
The East Coast crew get behind their Contestant at the 2011 Grand Final in Masterton last year. Credit: NZ Young Farmers


After 22 District Finals and seven Regional Finals featuring New Zealand’s best young farming talent, The National Bank Young Farmer Contest is down to the last seven Contestants.  They’ll battle it out in Dunedin from 23 May – 26 May 2012 to see who will take the title.

There’ll be plenty of pressure on the seven Grand Finalists.  And when the going gets tough, a bit of support can make all the difference.

Fortunately, even if you can’t be in Dunedin for the Grand Final, you can still cheer on your favourite contestant.

The National Bank’s website is the next best thing to being there.  You can read bios of the Grand Finalists and post messages for them on the ‘supporter’s fence’ – and the more messages, the longer the fence grows.  It’s a fun way to let your favourite contestant know you’re behind them.

The finalist with the most messages of support will also receive $1500 for their local Young Farmers Club, courtesy of The National Bank.

All the Grand Finalists have worked really hard to get to this stage.  The website is a great opportunity for you to acknowledge their achievements and show support for this iconic rural event.  It’ll be a huge week, so be part of the action at this year’s Grand Final by posting a message at today.