Cadetships to grow skilled workforce

Tuesday 22 May 2012, 7:39PM

By Pita Sharples


Electricity Supply Industry Training Organisation Cadetships are leading examples of private-public sector partnership in action, says Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples.

Launching 50 new cadetship positions, Dr Sharples said the ESITO Cadetship scheme demonstrates the public, private and education sectors working together to grow New Zealand’s pool of skilled workers.

“Developing home grown talent is what Cadetships are all about. If we do not invest in our own, then companies will buy in overseas expertise and they will be competing with the rest of the world to buy that expertise.”

Dr Sharples thanked the Electricity Supply Industry Training Organisation (ESITO) and its member companies for taking on the challenge to collectively train, mentor and employ 50 Māori cadets.

“You are all industry leaders, and you are leading by example. You are leading the way in terms of innovative, grassroots public-private sector partnerships,” said Dr Sharples.

“Ultimately, the wellbeing and future of New Zealand depends on co-operation between our public and private sectors in Aotearoa, for the good of the people who drive our economy.”

Te Puni Kōkiri’s Cadetship initiative, ‘Enabling Māori Success through Cadetships” is in its third year, developed in response to the Māori Economic Summit Conference and the Prime Minister’s Job Summit in 2009. The Cadetships are hugely successful in providing opportunities for Maori to gain formal qualifications and skills in sectors with global and domestic demand for skilled workers such as telecommunications, infrastructure and energy.