Challenge Wanaka leads way in event training camps

Friday 25 May 2012, 2:37PM

By EveNZ



Challenge Wanaka has this week launched New Zealand’s only comprehensive iron distance training camp hosted by an event. Challenge Wanaka has joined forces with Tri NZ Level 3 coach and Challenge Wanaka podium winner, Bevan McKinnon of, to deliver a three-day residential camp in November for athletes taking part in both the full distance Challenge Wanaka and Lake Wanaka Half on 19 January 2013.

In line with the worldwide Challenge Family commitment to ensuring athletes get the most out of their race experience, Challenge Wanaka acknowledges not everyone has a coach or knows how to access the right information to train for an event of this nature. By linking up with Fitter to create a camp, Challenge Wanaka is providing an opportunity for athletes of all levels to acquire the knowledge needed to train and race this event.

The Challenge Wanaka camp recognises the primary areas of concern for current and potential athletes and offers professional guidance in these areas including swim technique with video analysis, nutrition during training and racing, appropriate training and race intensity require to reduce injury risk and maximise chance of finishing and race-specific training on the actual race course.

Challenge Wanaka race director, Victoria Murray-Orr, said she was delighted to be able to offer a new benefit to athletes as they took on triathlon’s ultimate distance.

“This comprehensive camp not only covers the technique side of swim, bike, run but also race strategy from pro athlete Bevan McKinnon who has raced around the world. In addition, the camp nutritionist, Mikki Williden will teach participants the importance of nutrition, not just during the race but in the lead up, preparing lots of healthy and delicious meals that will power and repair the body and hopefully inspire the athletes to get creative in the kitchen!

The Challenge Wanaka Training Camp is timed to provide maximum benefit to athletes in their training schedule and will take place eight weeks out from the race on 22-25 November. For further information and to book, visit Places are limited and are on a first come, first served basis.