Reg Stilwell Place City Housing tenants to be re-housed

Wednesday 20 June 2012, 2:04PM

By Christchurch City Council



Christchurch City Council has now offered all 20 residents at Reg Stilwell Place alternative rental units following last week’s announcement that it was closing the City Housing complex, with the first tenants moving into their new units yesterday.

The Council closed the social housing complex in Brighton last Thursday 14 June after it received the results of a Detailed Engineering Evaluation (DEE) assessment which showed the buildings have a seismic capacity of less than 34 per cent of the New Building Standard (NBS). Engineers recommended the units should not be occupied.

The Council gave tenants seven days’ notice under Section 59 of the Residential Tenancies Act because they are considered to be at risk in the event of future earthquakes or aftershocks. The notice period ends on Friday.

General Manager Community Services Michael Aitken says 18 of the 20 tenants offered new tenancies in Council-owned units across the city have accepted the offer. Two tenants have declined the Council offer of new units and decided to find alternative accommodation themselves.

Since the day the Council told tenants about the closure, City Housing staff have been working with them to look at re-housing options. Tenants have been given assistance to move their belongings if they need it.

Mr Aitken says the Council has appreciated tenants’ understanding during this time. “We know this has been a difficult time for tenants but we are pleased to have been able to offer them all alternative units and to work with them to find a solution that suits them all.”

Mr Aitken says the Council is carrying out DEE assessments on eight other social housing complexes.
“There is a possibility that we may need to close units in these complexes if they are found to be below 34 percent of the New Building Standard,” he says.

“Residents need to be assured, however, that if this occurs the Council will take every step possible to find alternative accommodation for affected tenants. Council staff will work with them to match them to other units owned by the Council or, if necessary, it will work with other agencies in the city who own social housing units to re-house them.”

For more information about the Council’s Detailed Engineering Evaluations, which are being carried out as part of its Facilities Rebuild Plan project, visit our Facilities Rebuild site.