New publication gives snapshot of Māori

Wednesday 27 June 2012, 6:09PM

By Maurice Williamson


A new publication showing economic, social, cultural, and environmental statistics on Māori will benefit all New Zealanders, Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson said today.

Mr Williamson launched Te Ao Mārama 2012 in Parliament House today.

The publication delivers a range of Māori statistics including population, age, and income.

It also contains statistics on iwi groups, cultural vitality and the use of te reo.

“Te Ao Mārama 2012 is a useful tool in its own right, but it will also draw people into the Māori statistics section on Statistics New Zealand’s website,” Mr Williamson says.

“Here they will find a wealth of in-depth material on Māori – the value of which is immense. I urge all New Zealander to check out this new information.”

You can access Te Ao Mārama 2012  online at