Is Your Brick Chimney Secure?

Thursday 5 July 2012, 3:33PM

By Marlborough District Council



Owners of houses in Marlborough with brick chimneys are being urged to check the security of these chimneys.

Neither the current Building Act, nor any current council bylaw, covers chimneys in one or two-storey houses but the Christchurch earthquake has vividly illustrated the damage that can be caused by chimneys collapsing through roofs.

Experienced has shown that unreinforced chimneys may be unsafe in an earthquake even if a property is otherwise structurally sound. The risk increases where a chimney lacks any bracing or where chimney mortar has deteriorated.

The Canterbury Earthquake Royal Commission recommendations include a proposal that all unreinforced masonry buildings be improved to protect people from falling hazards such as chimneys.

The Council will review its earthquake-prone policy once central government has responded to the findings of the Royal Commission.

In the meantime, the Council is suggesting that property owners who can see any potential problem with their chimney seek further advice from an engineer who knows about seismic strengthening.

Further enquiries phone Council, Ph: 03 520 7400.

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