New software puts family budgets on autopilot, allowing them to get out of debt and pay off a mortgage faster.

Tuesday 10 July 2012, 5:35PM

By Debt Breaker



Dunedin, New Zealand – Do you feel trapped in a lousy economy, unsure of the right financial moves to make for your family?  If only you could reduce your debt, pay off your mortgage, and save for retirement without sacrificing your lifestyle.  According to Barry Kloogh, one of New Zealand’s leading authorities on debt reduction, that’s not only possible, but doable with a newly released software designed to help people regain control of their financial lives.

“That sounds like a lot to promise, I know,” said Kloogh, creator of Debt Breaker, a simple to use debt management tool.  “But the reality is that people are feeling ‘spun around’ in today’s harsh economy.  They want to know how to reduce mortgage payments – or buy their first house – but there’s so much conflicting advice out there from so-called experts, they have no idea where to turn or who to believe.”
Kloogh, a much sought-after speaker, says Debt Breaker cuts through all of the financial babble and sales-driven biases to provide people with an easy-to-understand blueprint they can put to work in their lives right away.

“This program utilizes the latest technological advances to provide anybody with a systematic, practical and customized plan for how to pay off your mortgage faster, get out of debt, save for retirement, and leave something behind for the kids while maintaining your lifestyle!”

Based in Dunedin, Kloogh believes that most people find themselves drowning in debt through no fault of their own.  “Many folks do their best to budget on their own,” he said in a recent interview.  “Many will often drastically reduce their expenses in a valiant attempt to achieve meaningful debt reduction.  However, between kids, work, home, school – and trying to afford a little family time – these cost-cutting measures are usually too difficult to maintain and they often slip even deeper into debt.”

See the Debt Breaker video at:

Another problem, according to Kloogh, author of the best-selling book ‘The Money Cookbook,’ is the fact that a large number of people are currently following outdated debt reduction plans that may have worked a few years ago, but are ineffective in today’s sluggish economy.

“Basically, the Debt Breaker Program incorporates everything I’ve learned over the past 27 years working with individuals and corporations, which is the same methodology I’ve used to save my clients more than 9 million dollars worth of debt in just the last eight years alone,” he said. “There’s nothing more gratifying than showing people how to pay off a mortgage faster, get out of debt, save for retirement and ultimately transfer a healthy estate to the next generation.  In a very real sense, using Debt Breaker is like putting your budget on autopilot.”

Kloogh believes that one reason the program has been so well received by experts and the public alike is its ability to motivate people to achieve their debt reduction goals.

“Debt Breaker can be customized to take into account every facet of a family’s budget, and shows people in real time exactly where adjustments and tweaks need to be made, by how much… and when to make them,” said Kloogh, “Instead of being a boring, static spreadsheet, Debt Breaker is a ‘living, breathing’ software that reflects the changing circumstances of a person’s financial life.  As a result, the user sees concrete, measurable improvement in their debt management efforts every time they open the program, which is very motivating.”

Now available to the public at, Kloogh says the software works for anybody interested in debt consolidation, debt management, and paying off mortgage without sacrificing a fun lifestyle in the process.  “And today, that’s just about everybody!

“I have clients in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Waitakere, Invercargill, Manukau City, North Shore, Otago, Nelson, Tauranga, Canterbury, Dunedin and dozens of other cities and regions in New Zealand – and everybody wants to know the same things:  How to pay off your mortgage, how to reduce debt, and how to save for the future and still have money to enjoy life today. Debt Breaker gives people the tools to do all that.”

For more information about Debt Breaker, and to view a free online introductory video, go to or call 0800 332 827.