New Brighton Centre master planning attracts locals

Thursday 19 July 2012, 5:18PM

By Christchurch City Council



More than 200 people visited the Christchurch City Council-led New Brighton Centre master planning sessions to share their ideas on the recovery and rebuild of their local centre.

Programme Manager District Planning Brigitte de Ronde says the local community really came out in force to put forward their ideas and suggestions.

“We were thrilled at the number of people who turned-out to have their say. The quality of information and ideas that came through will really help the next phase of the master planning – the ‘design element’ where ideas and suggestions are discussed and tested.

“Ideas included building designs that reflect the seaside character of New Brighton and the idea of creating a better connection to the seafront. Improved connections with car parking areas and better pedestrian spaces such as wider footpaths and places to socialise also featured.

“There were some surprises such as a walking track across the dunes, and an outdoor drive-thru cinema,” she says.

Mayor Bob Parker says it is no surprise the community came together for this master planning exercise.

“The response from community leaders, government agencies, residents, community groups and other organisations has been tremendous and is a positive step forward for this centre.

“While New Brighton is undoubtedly facing some big issues such as a reduction in the local population due to red zoning, local people really value the unique life style on offer in this seaside suburb, and are determined to contribute to its rebuild and recovery. This master plan will provide a robust vision for the future of this centre that will attract people to visit, shop and make their homes here,” he says.

Ideas and options will be presented to the community in the Draft New Brighton Centre Master Plan, which the Council aims to have ready for public consultation later this year.

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