Paper Plus Kaikoura awarded for their community spirit

Wednesday 1 August 2012, 12:04PM

By PPR New Zealand


From left to right: Paper Plus Group Chief Executive, Rob Smith; Paper Plus Kaikoura owner-operators Megan and Mark Fissenden; Paper Plus Group Business Advisor, Mike Drummond.
From left to right: Paper Plus Group Chief Executive, Rob Smith; Paper Plus Kaikoura owner-operators Megan and Mark Fissenden; Paper Plus Group Business Advisor, Mike Drummond. Credit: PPR New Zealand


Paper Plus Kaikoura has been awarded the Paper Plus Community and Presentation award at the annual Paper Plus Group gala awards dinner, held at the Pullman Hotel in Auckland last night.

Store owners, Mark and Megan Fissenden, received their award at the black tie function in front of more than 400 Paper Plus Group staff and suppliers from around the country.

Mark and Megan are passionate about giving back to their valued customers and the community in which the store operates.

“Our customers have supported us through thick and thin. Over the years, we have developed strong relationships with the Kaikoura community and it’s important to acknowledge this and do what we can to contribute. We feel privileged to be an integral part of such a fantastic town, which has no doubt helped us achieve such a special award,” says Mark.

The Kaikoura store engages in numerous sponsorships and community initiatives, and is always on the lookout for where they can make a difference.

Mark says “As part of a successful franchise system, we participate in many country-wide campaigns, however our community also really appreciates activities which are especially tailored to them, with tangible benefits felt throughout the town – this is where we try to make a difference.”

In addition to their community involvement, the award also takes into account how the store presents itself to the public. Paper Plus Kaikoura was noted as having the most immaculate store, something Mark and Megan strive to achieve on a daily basis.

Paper Plus Group CEO Rob Smith says, “This is a fantastic acknowledgement for Paper Plus Kaikoura, to be recognised for all their hard work and continual dedication in giving back to the community in this way. Mark, Megan and their passionate team have set the bar high, and it’s a delight to award them with the well-deserved title.”