School travel survey

Saturday 18 August 2012, 2:11AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Local parents will be surveyed about their childrens’ travel choices as part of the Queenstown Lakes District Council’s Schools’ Travel Plan programme.

The programme has been running since 2010 and the results of the survey will be used to help guide how safe travel choices can be supported by Council and the school community.

Remarkables Primary in Frankton and Holy Family and Wanaka Primary School in Wanaka will be surveyed this year and Queenstown Lakes District Council asset management engineer Andrew Edgar says the survey is for all parents regardless of how their children travel to and from school.

“We’re interested in what barriers there might be for safe walking, cycling, and bussing but we also want to hear from parents who drive, “Mr Edgar said.  “It’s not until we’ve heard from all parents that we can look at the bigger road safety picture.”

Mr Edgar said the survey would help guide infrastructure priorities and also help identify safe routes to school, or safe and convenient drop off areas.

Surveying begins at Remarkables Primary on Monday 27 August and at Wanaka schools on Monday 17 September.

Everyone who fills out a survey will go in the draw to win voucher prizes from Wild Earth Outdoor Kitchen and Cellar Door (Remarkables Primary School) and New World (Holy Family and Wanaka Primary School).

Surveys can be completed online via the school websites or hard copies can be picked up from school offices.