Pay Rise for New Zealand Defence Force welcomed

Monday 17 September 2012, 7:32PM

By Jonathan Coleman


The Defence Minister is welcoming the pay rise announced for New Zealand Defence Force staff today.

The Chief of the Defence Force, Lieutenant General Rhys Jones, announced to Defence Force employees that $45 million has been allocated for pay rises.

In addition the Defence Force is spending another $40 million in a one-off buy-back or buy-out of specific entitlements and conditions of service that are being phased out.

“This is a significant new investment in remuneration for the uniformed and civilian employees of the NZDF, says Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman.

“The New Zealand government really values the contribution defence personnel are making and is keen to ensure NZDF employees remain engaged in their work.”

“Although not the only factor in what people value in a job there is no doubt remuneration is important. I welcome the announcement.”

“As part of a reform programme the NZDF has saved $143 million this year. Money it saves is reinvested back into the Defence Force, and a good portion of it is being reinvested into pay,” he said.

The Defence Force employees haven’t had a pay rates increase since 2008 and the pay rates are being adjusted to the mid-point of published 2012 market data.