Stop, Drop and Hold drill tomorrow

Tuesday 25 September 2012, 1:42PM

By Christchurch City Council



More than 1.1 million New Zealanders will participate in NZ ShakeOut, the first ever nation-wide earthquake drill that is happening across the nation tomorrow at 9.26am.

If you’re listening to the radio or tuned into TV One, you will hear the Civil Defence “sting” siren that will herald the start of ShakeOut.

Newstalk ZB, Classic Hits, Radio Rhema, Radio Live, More FM, and The Breeze radio stations throughout the country will broadcast “sting” at 9:26am on 26 September. Or watch TVNZ’s Good Morning show and see Weatherman Tamati Coffey live at Sumner School where the students and Tamati will count down to the drill.

Knowing what to do before an earthquake happens can help avoid injury and save lives. New Zealand ShakeOut, being managed by Civil Defence Emergency Management, provides an opportunity to practise the Drop, Cover and Hold earthquake drill.

Christchurch City Mayor Bob Parker supports Civil Defence Emergency Management in saying that Drop, Cover and Hold is the clear, simple action that people can take to help prepare themselves for an earthquake.

“To physically Drop, Cover and Hold imprints the actions in your brain so that when faced with the real thing, your brain can act quickly to protect itself. Also in an earthquake most injuries are caused by falling debris like ceiling or roof tiles or by shifting furniture, so by sheltering under a sturdy table or desk you are in the best place to reduce the chance that you will get severely injured.”

Christchurch City Council is among those already signed up to participate in ShakeOut and residents here in Christchurch can still sign up by going to or follow NZ ShakeOut on Facebook (NZ Get Thru) or Twitter (@nzgetthru).