Where Is Your Dog Allowed

Thursday 27 September 2012, 1:32PM

By Marlborough District Council



A long and detailed consultation with dog owners, the general public, Council staff and councillors has taken place over the last 18 months with a view on where dogs should be allowed in public places. This has resulted in a new policy and bylaw being adopted by the Marlborough District Council that comes into force from next Monday 1 October.

A compromise within the region has been reached by those who believe dogs have no place in a CBD and others who like the idea of taking their pet for a stroll downtown:

Blenheim CBD becomes dog-free while Picton’s CBD remains open to dogs on a leash.

The new policy and bylaw was drawn up after extensive consultation with the Marlborough community in which more than one thousand members of the public took part.

More information can be found on this website: