It's grown again! + race report # 2

Monday 19 November 2007, 12:05PM

By Beach Series



We had 377 competitors last week and we are still blown away by this. Give yourselves a big hand for coming down and making this event the highlight of the weekly North Shore City events calendar.

Welcome to all the new competitors (and there is a few of you)! As you have seen at race two, this event is about challenging yourself, having fun, getting fit and making friends. It’s really cool to see all the families taking part together as well.

The sun has been shining (I actually made it to the beach in the weekend), so we are looking forward to a great race three at Takapuna beach tomorrow night.

Enter for the first time or top up your credits online at  today to avoid the queues at the Boat Club.

Order Your Photos
David Rowland takes photos of our event every week. If you see photos of yourself that you like in the North Shore Times, on our website or within these weekly e-newsletters then email him at to order your special shot for a reasonable price.

Introducing Journalist - Melanie Thorne
Melanie is this year’s official North Shore City Beach Series journo! She will be at every event hunting out a great story for the North Shore Times. If you have a special story please email  and place ‘Beach Series Story’ in the subject line. Alternatively you can catch up with her on the night and tell her all about it. We publish a story each week with photo’s in the North Shore Times. You or your family could be a local star!

Race report no. 2
This year's North Shore City Beach Series held race two last Tuesday with a record number of runners, paddlers and swimmers getting down to Takapuna Beach. Ian Ferguson - triple-Olympian, Ferg’s Kayaks owner and sponsor of this year's event - raced in the surf-ski paddle with sons Alan and Steven. Steven, who has himself competed in two Olympiads, will also be competing in the Beijing Games next year. Having enjoyed the first two races, the trio are looking to become weekly regulars as one of many North Shore families who are getting involved. Read More...

Sovereign Harbour Crossing this Sunday
Get online and enter race one of the Sovereign NZ Ocean Swim Series by midnight this Wednesday to secure your place along side 1200 other people swimming accross Auckland Harbour. It's your once a year opportunity so don't delay. For more information and to enter check out .