Council releases GNS reports on the Port Hills

Friday 28 September 2012, 2:34PM

By Christchurch City Council



The Christchurch City Council has today (28 September) released seven detailed technical reports on slope instability on the Port Hills. These are available on the Council’s website.

These reports were prepared for the Council by GNS Science in response to the Canterbury earthquakes and contain information to help Council address life-safety risks from rockfall/boulder roll and cliff collapse on the Port Hills.

“The findings were used by CERA to assist with decisions on zoning and are going to be used by the Council for infrastructure, planning and regulatory matters,” says Council Strategy & Planning General Manager Mike Theelen.

“The maps which accompany the reports will assist people to understand each report.”

Mr Theelen says a series of three summary brochures have also been prepared to explain the technical terms and concepts used in the reports. These summary documents are also available on the Council’s website.

“The information in these reports is technical and complex. However, it was important to release the information for our community to have the opportunity to view the full technical reports and recommendations which were used by central government to make zoning decisions.

“The reports will also be used by the Council to carry out its regulatory functions, such as considering resource and building consent applications, and in the review of its District Plans,” he says.

“Because of the complexity of the information, the Council is working with the University of Canterbury to host a public geotechnical information seminar on Saturday 13 October at which the public can come along and learn more about the information in the GNS Science reports.”

Details of this event, its format and timing, will be released once finalised in the next week.

The technical reports and summaries can be accessed on the Council’s website at: and copies of the reports will be available for viewing at the Civic Building in Hereford Street and Council Service Centres from Monday.