Otaki attempted armed robbery -#2

Monday 1 October 2012, 3:57PM

By New Zealand Police



Police are seeking public assistance to locate a man who attempted to rob an Otaki bank at about 9.30am this morning.

"The man fired a shot into a security door that tellers use in this bank. Thankfully no one was injured but they are shaken and we would like to locate this person as quickly as possible," Detective Senior Sergeant Marc Hercock said.

The man was wearing a blue mask with white teeth on it, a black jacket with a white or grey stripe above and below the elbow and orange gloves, the type used for dishwashing or gardening. He was wearing black pants.

The man exited the bank through the front door and the bank carpark at the rear of the building and continued towards the south.

"If you have any information you think might be relevant please call police."

Please call 04 3812000 or 111 if your believe you have seen or know where this offender is.