Support for Bali bombing victims

Wednesday 3 October 2012, 4:05PM

By Murray McCully


Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully today announced the government will support New Zealanders seriously affected by the Bali bombings to attend the 10-year anniversary ceremony in Bali on 12 October.

A total of 202 people were killed in the post 9/11 bombings in 2002 – the deadliest act of terrorism in Indonesia and the Asia Pacific region in recent times. The victims included 88 Australians, 32 Indonesians, and 24 British citizens. Three New Zealanders lost their lives, with others seriously injured.

“While the ceremony will be substantially focused on the large Australian loss of life, the New Zealand Government is keen to ensure that New Zealanders affected by the attack are able to be represented,” Mr McCully says.

Government assistance is available for up to two family members of the deceased, and for individuals who were seriously injured.

Those interested in assistance should contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 04 439 8000 or refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade or Safe Travel websites.

New Zealanders attending the commemoration are encouraged to register their details at