Past and present on paper at park

Monday 15 October 2012, 10:10AM

By Auckland Council


James Ormsby in studio
James Ormsby in studio Credit: Auckland Council


Artist James Ormsby is settling in to his latest project as the Auckland Council’s regional parks artist in residence.

The historic Ashby Homestead on Tapapakanga Regional Park will become James’ artist’s studio or ‘scriptorium’ for the next eight weeks as he immerses himself in the park and creates a series of contemporary illustrated manuscripts.

Councillor Sandra Coney, Chair of the Auckland Council Parks, Recreation and Heritage Forum, says James will bring his considerable drawing, design and printing skills to this project and his process is relatively low tech and quite feasible to achieve in this remote environment.

“Tapapakanga offers some great stories and a rich history to draw inspiration from and, despite the Ashby Homestead being ‘off the grid’ power-wise, James will be working in a wonderful studio.

“James was chosen by the selection panel for his ability to illuminate stories of the past in a modern form and therefore reveal aspects of the park or its history that are hidden or sometimes overlooked.

“We hope this residency will give James the space and time to delve into the nature and past of Tapapakanga; that he’ll come to know it intimately will enjoy sharing some of the insights that come from living here with park visitors,” she says.
Artist in Residence programme manager Michelle Edge says references for James’ work may come from Iwi, local stories, from institutional knowledge like archaeological reports and be inspired by landmarks or landforms around him.

“We hope that James will be able to shed light on subtle aspects of the park; on things visitors might not be aware of,” she says.

James’ initial residency work will be exhibited at Whitespace Gallery from 13 November and plans will later be made to show it on the park.

Visitors can watch James at work in his scriptorium (manuscript making room) on Wednesdays from 12-4pm at Tapapakanga Regional Park, until mid December.