Designs for Kumutoto Wharf

Tuesday 16 October 2012, 1:05PM

By Wellington City Council



Public consultation is now under way on a new design brief for the north Kumutoto area of Wellington's waterfront.

Wellingtonians have until 5.00pm, Monday 5 November to have a say.

The Council's Built Environment Portfolio Leader, Councillor Iona Pannett, says theCouncil wants to hear what people think about the location and reduced height of any buildings, and how they should be used.

"We also want people to have their say on our proposed design principles for the area marked as public space and how this is funded.

"As for the buildings - our Waterfront Framework states that they could have a range of uses including recreational, institutional, residential, commercial or retail. It's an area that deserves careful consideration."

The main features of the new brief are a proposal for two buildings, rather than three, in north Kumutoto - between the Meridian building to the south and Shed 21 to the north - with an area of open public space.

The design brief was developed after the Council's proposed Variation 11 was turned down after appeals to the Environment Court earlier this year.

Councillors will further consider the proposed brief in late November following consultation.

From Thursday 18 October, at Wellington Waterfront on Queens Wharf, you'll be able to view a video showing how buildings could look - and make a submission.

A public forum will also be held later this month - register your interest by emailing and we'll send you the details.

Pick up the form from our libraries or Service Centre on Wakefield Street or phone (04) 499 4444 or visit:

Public Input - North Kumutoto Design Brief