Home Energy Saver Reminder

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 1:12PM

By Wellington City Council



Spring and summer are the times when many people think about improving their homes.

It's also a good time to think about what you can do to reduce your home energy costs. For many families rising power costs mean that less money is available to spend on necessities.

The Council and Home&dry offer free energy assessments to Wellington households. Assessors look at your home and recommend what you could do to reduce your power bill and make your home warmer.

Once the assessment is complete, you are eligible for a subsidy if you decide to install energy efficient products like a low-flow showerhead or light bulbs. The assessor can also tell you how to get subsidies for insulation and heating.

Simple changes to your home can reduce your costs for many years. For example, replacing five standard light bulbs with energy efficient versions will save you around $555 over the lifetime of the bulbs.

To book your free assessment, phone 0508 466 363 or visit:

Sustainability - Grants for Homes