Feast for the Future - Eateries support school food programme

Friday 2 November 2012, 9:43PM

By Pead PR


Meadowbank Primary School
Meadowbank Primary School Credit: Pead PR


Auckland restaurants and cafés are pitching in to help the Garden to Table Trust establish kitchens and gardens in local primary schools.

A host of eateries is supporting Feast for the Future, the trust’s annual fundraiser on November 17.

The trust funds and supports primary schools, enabling them to teach children how to grow, harvest, prepare and share good food.

Each participating café or restaurant is donating a portion of its takings to the trust from the day to go towards sustaining and expanding the schools programme.

More than $10,000 was raised at the inaugural event last year which saw top restaurants such as O’Connell St Bistro, SPQR, Ponsonby Rd Bistro and Sunday Painters supporting the cause.

SPQR restaurateur and owner Chris Rupe has been quick to jump on board again this year. He says education about where food comes from involves “life skills that need to be instilled at a young age”.

“We can’t think of a better way to develop these skills than getting kids in the garden to grow food and cook and share it among themselves. Our customers last year were really supportive of the cause and we’re expecting a good turnout again this year,” Chris says.

Trust founder Catherine Bell says the involvement of the restaurants makes it easy for people to contribute while doing what Aucklanders love best, eating out.

“Simply dine out on the 17th at a participating restaurant and sit back secure in knowledge that you’re supporting a great cause that helps children get to grips with life skills that many of us take for granted.

“With more restaurants on board this year we’re hoping to raise more than double the amount we did last year.”

Ms Bell says the trust welcomes interest from all restaurants which might like to take part in the event.

Those interested can contact Mrs Curin-Birch by email at