Dentists in Christchurch

Dentists in Christchurch

Dentistry With A Smile

17 June 2016, 6:10PM

Dentistry With A Smile


Tony York is the principal and head dentist of Dentistry With A Smile, a dental practice in Christchurch. He graduated from Otago with a dental degree in 1978. He moved to the town of Christchurch after working in South Canterbury for over 18 months to commence his dental practice in Lincoln Road.

Since then, he has been offering continuous service for his patient base for over 30 years. Although primarily known for teeth whitening in Christchurch, his dental practice offers a complete range of dental services.

From general treatments to restorative dentistry, patients consider their dental practice the Christchurch dentist of choice due to their team’s focus on patient comfort and results.